

The Apostolic Church represents first-century Christianity in faith, practice, and government, “to make known world-wide the forgiveness of sins through the atoning death of Christ, the baptism in water by immersion; the baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs following; the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit; the five gifts of our Ascended Lord; and the vision called in the New Testament, the Church which is His body.” As intimated in that statement, the practice of signs and wonders is an integral part of our doctrine.

Each of us is a distinct creation of God with unique life purpose designed as a vocation. Even though you might not view yourself as being gifted, talented and clever; God will use you into different areas such as counselling, teaching and mentoring. Among today’s young people a good mentor is hard to find so be the first to answer this calling.

Evangelize: The English word, “evangelism” comes from the Greek word euaggelion, which means good news. In the verb form (euaggelizesthai), the meaning of the word changes slightly to “announce” or “bring good news.” The Greek word in its various forms appears fifty-five times in the New Testament. In addition to the before-mentioned translations, the Greek word is also translated as “preach.”

  • We are empowered to propagate the gospel of faith caring for humanity.
  • Our assignment is to go make disciples for the kingdom.
  • Ministry commissioned are beyond the confines of the church.
  • Our sermon are beyond the church but to the unchurched people.
  • Witness to Christian values in our personal and corporate lives.
  • Have fellowship with all our brothers and sisters in Christ

God’s calling is personal. He called you, He has planted a desire to use your God-given gifts and abilities to further Kingdom- building here on earth. Saul on his way to persecute Christian got an awaking when he was stop by a bright light and a voce calling him into purpose. Abraham was asked to provide a sacrifice to God in the person of his son Isaac, obeyed the voice and the voice change the world. It is our prayer that God continue to speak changes in our lives and that people will forsake sinful lust and be more committed to his cause.